
The coaches of the Berlusconi era Sacchi, Capello, Tabarez, Zaccheroni, Terim, Ancelotti and Allegri

Since Silvio Berlusconi is president of AC Milan, more than 26 years, on the bench of the Devil took turns nine different figures. Three of these coaches have started winning cycles, two of them were limited to win “only” one championship.
Liedholm was the only coach not chosen by the actual AC Milan company; he was “inherited” by the previous management under Farina. The old Liddas was for years the prophet of the mixed zone, besides being a great teacher of football. Its area was considered too slow and, because of a Italy Cup match, Berlusconi fell in love with Sacchi.
The Arrigo from Fusignano was without any doubt the most revolutionary coach that AC Milan have had. He was not satisfied to win, but he put the quality of the game and the maniacal training work always coming first.
Italian football was innovated by introducing new schemes, a more modern concept of tactics, he has revolutionized the system of choice for coach until his advent, which were nearly always former great players. He was an idealist, so jealous and in love with their own ideas and beliefs, as soon racking and exhausting its thrust in a few years.
His Milan is the best team in the history of AC Milan and perhaps even that of the whole footbal. The two Champions’ Cups won consecutively remain a cameo difficult to repeat.
However, congenital quell'idiosincrasia to stage races, has taken perhaps to Milan, a sprint in the league.
Mr. Capello, meanwhile, was the antithesis of “sacchism”, the right man at the right time. He took off the pressure on a group tired and destablished by the maniacal tacticism, gave some special rooms to its champion, put together a war machine capable of winning four out of five championships and make three successive finals of the Champions League.
Unlike Sacchi, Capello was a purely pragmatic. For Sacchi the beautiful game was just a purpose, while for Capello only a possible way of achieving victory.
In the 1993-94 season Don Fabio didn’t pull some back when, given the shortage of strikers had to organize a purely defensive team, which became famous for the many 1-0 wins. Sacchi would never have had probably this mental flexibility.
The second part of the 90's were not a particularly prosperous period for the red and black colors. The Tabarez experience, a master and a gentleman of football, however, was not suitable to the rhythms of Italian football, and grafted Sacchi and Capello returns, both negative.
In 1998, arrived on the Milan bench Alberto Zaccheroni, theoretical of 3-4-3 attacking football and a different way of being in the field. Zac won a Serie A title but does not bind with the environment and with the President: different characters and ways of doing away, a de facto relationship was never built. The use of the playmaker behind the strikers and the stubbornness of the man of Meldola in proposing the three-man defense, were the reasons prevailing the separation.
The interregnum of Terim, lasted a few months in 2001, it was instead characterized by a revised management team, with 11 different formations in 11 games.
The advent of Ancelotti in November 2001 was greeted positively, in fact, finally gave AC Milan a Milan fan and former player, one of the old guard, a person that the fans felt like one of them. Ancelotti is placed on a median line between Sacchi and Capello. Capable to bring out the best from the most talented players, a great group manager like Capello (without the great managerial background skills of the coach of Pieris), shared with Sacchi and Liedholm the taste for the game, but without falling into the excesses and maniacal sacchianisms.
Probably neither Sacchi and Capello would be able to propose a team with Pirlo, Seedorf, Rui Costa and Kaka together. The greatness of Carlo was precisely this exaltation of talent as a resource, in a time when the numbers 10 were unfortunately seen as a problem.
A championship, two Champions Cups, a lot of Super Cups, Carletto has definitely marked the 2000s era, both the results and style of play.
Leonardo, who took his place in 2009, was perhaps initially inspired by the predecessor, but without his contagious empathy and the incredible human energy.
His era was limited to one season, and was characterized by peaks of good football and sensational beatings, a precise technical identity but very dogmatic, a dialogue with President almost with a point of touchiness.
Allegri has instead won a championship, with merit; he has lost another one with several demerits, but never was able to break into the hearts of the fans, and those who are on the upper floors, except Galliani.
Cold, computer-like, discrete manager, but an impatient men of strong personality, he will perhaps remembered more for the fights with the major players, than for his real qualities as a coach.

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